Friday, October 30, 2015

Setting up a Cisco port-channel

Setting up port-channels on a Cisco switch can sometimes be a real PITA due to your interface settings having to match the port-channel settings.  I’ve come up with a way to eliminate the config mismatches, which I’ll describe below.

First we clear the configuration on the interfaces that we’re going to add to our port-channel by doing a “default int gi1/1/1

Then we add our interfaces to the port-channel and only then do we configure our port-channel, like so:

int gi1/1/1
channel-group <x> mode active
int gi2/1/1
channel-group <x> mode active
int po<x>
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,50,...
switchport trunk native vlan 999

This forces your interfaces to join the port-channel before any configuration is added to them. It also reduces the mistake of having mismatched configuration on both interfaces, which could cause independent members in your port-channel.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

FortiAP does not broadcast on 5Ghz Radio–shows channel 0

I recently had a problem where a customer’s FortiAP 221C AP’s would intermittently stop broadcasting the SSID’s assigned to the 5Ghz Radio.

I had a look at the FortiAP profiles and saw that all channels were selected, including channels 149, 153, 157, 161 and 165.  I deselected those so that my configuration was as per below:


Once I did that the AP’s started broadcasting on 5Ghz again.  Not sure yet if this is a regulatory limitation due to my country code (ZA) or a bug.