The very high-level overview would be:1. Migrate standby node config to new node
2. Disconnect old standby from network
3. Connect new standby to network
4. Reset SIC via SmartConsole
5. Failover Cluster to new node
6. Repeat steps 1-4 for additional cluster members
In order to minimise disruption we'll start by replacing the standby node. We can verify the node state that with the cphaprob state command:[Expert@gw02-r77:0]# cphaprob state
Cluster Mode: High Availability (Active Up) with IGMP Membership
Number Unique Address Assigned Load State
1 100% Active
2 (local) 0% Standby
Now we'll migrate the standby gateway configuration to our new standby node. We can pull the existing config via the "show configuration" command. This will dump the configuration onto the console, where you can copy and paste it into a text file:
gw02-r77> show configuration
# Configuration of gw02-r77
# Language version: 12.3v1
# Exported by admin on Thu Jan 16 09:46:32 2020
set net-access telnet off
set core-dump enable
set core-dump total 1000
set core-dump per_process 2
set inactivity-timeout 10
set web table-refresh-rate 15
set web session-timeout 10
set web ssl-port 443
set web ssl3-enabled off
set web daemon-enable on
The next step is very important, as most likely your interface names will be different on your new hardware. In the below example my source gateway's interface is eth0:
set interface eth0 comments "Management"
set interface eth0 state on
set interface eth0 ipv4-address mask-length 24
If my destination interface is eth5, for example, I'll just do a simple search and replace, which will give me this:
set interface eth5 comments "Management"
set interface eth5 state on
set interface eth5 ipv4-address mask-length 24
This we'll repeat for all interfaces. Sub-interface names will not change, so you need not worry about those.
Now that we've adapted our config file to reflect our new hardware, we log into the new gateway and paste it in.
Now we are ready to replace our standby node with the new node, so we disconnect our standby node from the network. To allow for rapid failback in case something goes wrong I never power off the old standby. Instead I either unplug the cables or I disable the switchports that the gateway is connected to.
Now we can power up the new standby node. Once bootup is complete we reset the SIC using SmartConsole. Right click on your gateway object and select edit:
Now click Communications, then Click Reset:
Now we update the cluster properties to the new version (R77.30 -> R80.30 in this instance)
What if my interface names are different?
In the event that your interfaces names are different between your old and your new cluster members, you'll need to match it up by editing your cluster object in SmartConsole and telling it which physical interfaces maps to which cluster interfaces. This screenshot should explain it better:
Finally we install our policy on the new node only:
Now we fail the cluster over to our new member by running the cphastop command on the remaining "old" node.
We verify that our new member is active:
[Expert@gw01-r80:0]# cphaprob state
Cluster Mode: High Availability (Active Up) with IGMP Membership
ID Unique Address Assigned Load State Name
2 (local) 100% ACTIVE gw02-r77
Active PNOTEs: None
Last member state change event:
Event Code: CLUS-116504
State change: READY -> ACTIVE
Reason for state change: All other machines are dead (timeout), No other ACTIVE members have been found in the cluster
Event time: Thu Jan 16 10:37:32 2020
Cluster failover count:
Failover counter: 0
Time of counter reset: Thu Jan 16 09:34:50 2020 (reboot).
Next we verify that all our cluster interfaces are up:
[Expert@gw01-r80:0]# cphaprob -a if
CCP mode: Manual (Unicast)
Required interfaces: 3
Required secured interfaces: 1
Interface Name: Status:
eth0 UP
eth1 UP
eth2 (S) UP
S - sync, LM - link monitor, HA/LS - bond type
Virtual cluster interfaces: 2
eth0 VMAC address: 00:1C:7F:00:61:B3
eth1 VMAC address: 00:1C:7F:00:61:B3
Once we're satisfied the our new gateway is passing traffic properly, we'll repeat the same procedure to replace the remaining "old" gateways.