Monday, March 29, 2010

Enabling Jumbo Frames in vSphere

Hi Kids, todays post is brought to you by the letter J. I previously mentioned a vSphere deployment I had to do, connecting to a EMC AX4-5i iSCSI SAN. Once I got the storage hooked up to my ESX hosts I of course wanted to enable jumbo frames.

Jumbo Frames, for the uninitiated heathens out there, is basically a Ethernet frame with a payload of more than 1500 bytes, up to a typical maximum of 9000 bytes per frame. Why would I want to do this? Performance, in a nutshell. The only requirement would be that your switch supports Jumbo Frames, which I believe most, if not all, mid to high-end kit does. So let's get down to business, shall we?

Switch Configuration

I'm fairly proficient with Cisco and HP networking gear, so I'll give a quick rundown of the commands needed to enable jumbo frames on their kit:
  • Cisco: Go into conf t mode and enter the following command "system mtu jumbo 9000". Once that is done issue a "reload" command to reboot your switch
  • HP Procurve: On these babies Jumbo frames need to be enabled per VLAN. Execute the following command: "vlan # jumbo"
That takes care of the networking side of things, let's move on to the ESX...

Configure Jumbo frames in vSphere
  1. Log on to your ESX host using your favorite SSH client
  2. Change your chosen vSwitch MTU with the following command "esxcfg-vswitch -m 9000 vSwitch#" Replace vSwitch# with the name of the vSwitch you want to modify
  3. Seeing as one cannot change an existing VMKernel port MTU, you will either have to remove and recreate your existing VMKernel port, or create a new one. To delete an existing VMKernel port, enter the following command: "esxcfg-vmknic -d -p VMKernelport"
  4. Now let's add a VMKernel port called "iSCSI01" to our vSwitch, like so: "esxcfg-vswitch –A iSCSI01 vSwitch#"
  5. Now we enable jumbo frames on our VMKernel port: "esxcfg-vmknic –a –i 192.168.x.x –n –m 9000 iSCSI01". You do know you need to change the IP address and mask to reflect your environment, right?
  6. Let's make sure we didn't screw up somewhere by running "esxcfg-vmknic –l". Verify that the MTU is set to 9000
  7. All done! You can refer to my previous iSCSI Multipathing post to ensure Jumbo frame enabled iSCSI Multipathing goodness!
I have thought of merging this post with the iSCSI Multipathing post, but seeing as not all environments can/will support end to end Jumbo frames, I have decided to keep them seperate for the time being.

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